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Importance Of Graphic Design In Social Media Marketing

Currently, social media marketing is one of the most fierce weapons that brands have in their arsenal which they can use to target their audience. So, it is imperative for businesses to understand and accept the importance of graphic design in social media marketing for their brands.

The popularity of social media platforms has skyrocketed in the last decade with billions of users having their accounts on at least 4 of the top 10 of these platforms. And, it is graphic design that plays an increasingly important role in not only building brand awareness and recognition but, also attracting the user’s attention as well.

So, if you’ve been neglecting your social media designs considering them to be of least importance, it’s about time for you to rectify the mistake and build up your brand’s identity. In this article, we will discuss some very crucial points that will reflect the importance of graphic design in social media marketing and why you must start focusing on it right away.


Make It Look Professional

One of the very first objectives for any business setup should be to provide an all-out professional image of their brand. Irrespective of the platform you are using to communicate with your audience (whether digital or traditional), the users must get the idea of your brand as a thorough professional one.

Imagine a huge chunk of your potential customer group comes across one of your brand’s posts on Instagram that has dull colors or is missing your brand’s logo. Not a pleasant picture to imagine.


Provides The Expected Brand Recognition

Social media is all about graphics. Visual content such as images, graphics and infographics often receive higher engagement on social media than posts containing text only. If you let your customers remember you through your social media designs, they will come back sooner or later to learn more about your products or services.

This, also, raises another very important aspect to create brand recognition through graphic design in social media marketing; consistency. The more consistent your social media designs are, throughout, the easier it will be for your target consumers to recognize your brand.

And this consistency comes with professionally designed graphics.

Did you know… Social media users share infographics 3 times more than they share any other type of content. This makes it pretty evident that graphics are the most shareable form of content for social media.

Works On The Attention Span

Several researches have shown that the average human attention span is not more than 7 to 8 seconds.

Now, social media is an endless pool of visual and textual content for the audiences to go through. Users often simply scroll through their feeds without really paying attention to the posts therein. And, the ones they do pay attention to get less than one minute of their time.

With so much content on offer to go through and so less time to get the attention

Given that you only have a few seconds to catch their attention and a minute to stimulate their interest, it all comes down to the social media designs and their effectiveness. It is potentially very hard to acquire attention in such short duration through texts, or at least text alone.

Therefore, good graphic design in social media marketing is crucial to get your target audience’s attention as well.


Sends A Clear Message

There is a very popular saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words”. This is a fantastic and on-point example to explain the importance of professional graphic design in social media marketing for a brand.

Using images not only helps your brand is getting the attention of your target customers but, also communicates the message in the clearest manner.

Yes, you can always create a detailed blog to provide information about your products and services. But, that won’t work on social media (at least, not without a proper social media design for the post).



There are many online and offline tools that help you create basic designs. However, when we talk about graphic design in social media marketing, we are referring to professional designs. By working with professionals, you can have more creative and innovative graphic content. Such graphics are also more distinguishable and stay unique to your brand. So, if you are looking for a design partner who’s skilled and experienced in creating professional social media designs, contact us!

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